Friday, March 26, 2010


What is a Hexbug, you ask? I hadn't heard of them until today, when I went shopping with my parents to find a little present for my 9-year-old cousin, who just had his tonsils removed. He wanted something called Hexbugs, so the three of us ran around Target looking for them. After locating them with the help of an employee and learning that they were in the "Tech Toys" aisle, I finally, offically, felt old. I don't beleive there were such things as "tech toys" when I was growing up, and little robotic bugs that thrive on batteries certainly were not in existence. I even work in an elementary school, and don't know what toys are out there anymore. ("Why can't he stick with kid things I know, like Batman, Star Wars, and Lego's?" was my constant cry in the store today.) At any rate, I found myself strangely delighted by them, and was briefly reminded of the Nano Pet craze several years ago. A waste of money? Perhaps. But so many things are, and we like them anyway (to incriminate I really need 15 shades of nail polish? 6 different notebooks for story ideas? 20+ pairs of shoes? No, not really, but they're fun and I like them.) So many other toys at the store were either some type of video game or completely violence-centered, so I say, give the robotic bugs a chance. They're cute little guys...

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