Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hotel Rwanda

It's not often that a movie comes along which is well made, informative, and realistic. I finally watched Hotel Rwanda a few days ago and was extremely impressed. Besides being a very good movie in general, it's also sparked my curiosity about the Rwandan genocide, something which occurred when I was only in 4th grade (during which time there were far fewer media outlets, so I had no clue that it was even happening...I'm not sure I had even heard of Rwanda back then). The film was powerful and moving. After watching it, I'm wondering exactly what was done at the time to try and stop it, and how much the American public knew about it. The article I've linked to above is but a short snapshot of the situation from the BBC. I'm not sure how much information about it is available online, but I intend to find out more. In the meantime, here are a couple links (also from the BBC) containing some general info about Rwanda, and a timeline of its history.

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